2017年8月13日 星期日

2017 Summer Universiade Football Women's tournament 2017 世大運女子足球賽事

(English Following)

這是女足版本,因為女足隊伍比較少所以後面排位戰的安排有點神祕,希望大家不會看不懂。而且地主隊為什麼要跟大家一起抽籤!然後抽到唯一四隊一組的!跟我們同組的還有韓國跟阿根廷... QQ



一樣附上了購票連結,因為世大運都是採一票看到底的概念超划算,所以8/18當天是可以同時看男女足的喔。只是下午我要上班... (咬手帕)



So here's the women's version!! 

Click me for the calendar.

Same as men's version, I have put the information about the place and the link for tickets. Please go and cheer for your country!

Taiwan is a small island, and always not very good at football. Also not very good at not to be bullied by China. So even now we have a competition held in our own country, we still have to use a fake name like Chinese Taipei. I'm not sure and actually I don't think have Summer Universiade held in Taiwan would give any change to the situation, but even only one person could understand Taiwan by this chance, that's an improvement. 

Taiwan is not a part of China. Taiwan is Taiwan, hope some day we could get rid of the awkward Chinese Taipei and shout our name out.