2017年8月4日 星期五

2017 世大運男子足球賽事 2017 Summer Universiade Football Men's tournament

(English Following)

因為很喜歡足球,難得有個國際賽事在台灣舉行,所以就利用最近學到的 programming 小技巧做了個 Google calendar。可以把有興趣的賽事加到自己的日曆裡面,或是整張加進去也可以。目前只做了男足的部分,女足做好會再更新上來。


有鑑於台灣場地也不怎麼著(有沒有必要一直婊自己國家),價錢也是非常親民喔,一般票只要兩百塊!比看電影還便宜,而且比電影好看啊!(應該吧) 請大家一定要進場支持一下,拜託拜託。(門票收入也不會到我口袋就是了) 

不過我還不是很理解,好像同一天同場地只要買一張票就好,一個一票玩到底的概念(?),真的非常划算呢。雖然我強烈懷疑那個下午的場次會有人去嗎... 但是排賽程的人也不是笨蛋啦,台灣都是晚上比賽,所以,請一定要到場支持!


For my love to football and we finally have a (sort of) big international competition held in Taiwan, I made a Google calendar for whom is interested in and you can copy the specific games or the whole calendar to yours. I will make the other one for women's tournament and update it here.

Click me for the calendar.

I have put the information about the place and the link for tickets. Though I just found I'm not sure if this is available for English... Hope it'll translate automatically on your computer.

The ticket price is quite cheap, only NTD 200, compared to other international games. I'm wondering if this is reflecting the quality of the field or this is just not that popular. (just joking) Anyway, please try to make it and watch a game! 

Taiwan is a small island, and always not very good at football. Also not very good at not to be bullied by China. So even now we have a competition held in our own country, we still have to use a fake name like Chinese Taipei. It really makes me sad, and I felt the angry again when making this calendar, though it is just a calendar. I'm not sure and actually I don't think have Summer Universiade (this is really hard to spell you know, chrome marks it as a wrong spelling) held in Taiwan would give any change to the situation, but even only one person could understand Taiwan by this chance, that's an improvement. 

Taiwan is not a part of China. Taiwan is Taiwan, hope some day we could get rid of the awkward Chinese Taipei and shout our name out.