History of computing
4000 years? Advocates? (abacus?)
Charles Babbage
Difference engine
analytic engine
Ada Byron
First programmer
CS computer science
science/study of problem solving of computers/computational devices(methods)
Programming is just one of the process
What Does The Computer Understand?
0s and 1s
on and off
machine language
high level language (people are bad at writing 0s and 1s)
how do you go from high level language to machine language
"compilation process"
"source code"(high level)
"object code"(low level/ machine)
ex. eclipse is a compiler
source code -> compiler -> object file ->
linker -> executable file
other object file ->
(The general situation in C or C++)
"The java interpreter"
(some intermediate language)
source file > compiler -> class file ->
linker -> JAR archive (java archive archive) (台北駅駅)
other class file ->
JVM(java virtual machines)
"really run the program on your computer"
why do the extra things?
To make all the different computers understands the same "code"
no matter PC, Mac or Linux
Java is an object-oriented language
java program can have more than one class
class: behaviors and data
"hierarchies" multiple levels
superclass Karel
subclass SuperKarel
class hierarchy
a superclass could have different subclasses under it but all share the same characters
object is an instance of a class
"acm.program hierarchy"
Applet (run on webpage, like application but small)
JApplet (Java applet)
ConsoleProgram DialogProgram GraphicsProgram
import acm.graphics.*;
import acm.program.*;
public class HelloProgram extends GraphicsProgram {
public void run () {
add( new GLabel( "hello, world", 100, 75) );
looks similar to Karel!!
all java programs are collections of java classes
Console program
import acm.program.*;
//no need of acm.graphic
public class Add2Integers extends ConsoleProgram {
public void run (){
println ("This program adds two numbers");
int n1 = readInt ("Enter n1: ");
int n2 = readInt ("Enter n2: ");
int total = n1 + n2;
println ("The total is " + total + ".");
collage model
blank canvas and put objects on the canvas
GLabel just text
GRect Rectangle
^they are classes